Search Results for: ground beef

Cream Cheese Chicken Taquitos
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Cream Cheese Chicken Taquitos

Creamy, flavorful and super easy to make, these cream cheese chicken taquitos are a perfect weeknight dinner option for busy moms. Cream Cheese Chicken Taquitos Recipe I am all about simple dinner recipes. Our life is chaos like 98.43% of the time. So, adding these easy baked chicken taquitos to the monthly meal plan saves…

Easy Taco Seasoning

Easy Taco Seasoning

It really is true when they say, “homemade is better.” This homemade taco seasoning recipe comes together in just a few minutes and is the perfect blend of spices. Kid and parent approved; I promise you’ll never want to use a taco seasoning packet again. This recipe has converted me from using any other premade…

Parmesan Crusted Pork Chops
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Parmesan Crusted Pork Chops

Parmesan crusted pork chops is dare I say, my favorite way to eat a pork chop. These pork chops are moist and flavorful on the inside while perfectly crispy on the outside. This recipe turns plain pork chops into a dinnertime delight. Parmesan Crusted Pork Chops Recipe At our house, we love a good pork…


Welcome. I’m so happy you’re here. DINNER BEEF BREAKFAST BREAD PORK Chicken SIDES DESSERTS Oh hi! I’m Jana! Ranch wife. Mom of 4 boys. Registered Nurse. And recipe maker. Join me as I share ranch life and my tried-and-true easy recipes for my rancher and 4 tiny cowboys. NEWest RECIPES dinner made easier 15 Family…

Ranch Life

welcome to the ranch…. It’s our favorite. Ranch Life. Whether it’s cattle, kids, crops or just country living, I’ve got so much to share with you. Here I hope you can think of me as a resource on ranch living. To learn more about our day to day ranching operation, be sure to follow us…

About Me

About Me

Welcome! Hi there! I’m Jana – ranch wife, mom, and registered nurse turned ranch hand. And this is my blog Genuinely Jana. Here you’ll find a mix of recipes and ranch life. My husband and I live in Northern Utah, and we have 4 boys. Yes, I said 4 boys and I love it so…