
Hi there! I’m Jana – ranch wife, mom, and registered nurse turned ranch hand.

And this is my blog Genuinely Jana. Here you’ll find a mix of recipes and ranch life.

My husband and I live in Northern Utah, and we have 4 boys. Yes, I said 4 boys and I love it so much. Boys are the best. I wouldn’t trade being a boy mom for anything. Even though it is crazy all the time at my house.

We farm, ranch and raise beef cattle. I truly love the life we have, even if I am constantly running around like a crazy person being the ranch hand/mom/wife.

I love to cook. And I love good food. There is nothing better than coming home from a long hard day of work and sitting down to the table and sharing a good, hearty meal together. I believe that dinnertime is sacred time and that it should be spent around the table. I also believe that good food shouldn’t take forever to make either. So for over 13 years, I have been creating family friendly easy dinner recipes and meals for my family.

My hope is that you will enjoy these recipes to gather those you love around the table too.

Some of my favorite things

Recipes & Ramblings…

Whether it’s sharing ranch life or dinner recipes, I hope you’ll love it all!